Good Communication Cultivates Cooperation,
Poor Communication Costs

No one knows exactly how much poor communication costs businesses, industries, and the government each year, but estimates suggest billions. In fact, a recent estimate claims that the cost in the U.S. alone is close to $4 billion annually!

Let’s dive deeper…

Poorly-worded or inefficient emails, careless reading or listening to instructions, documents that go unread due to poor design, hastily presenting inaccurate information, sloppy proofreading — all of these examples result in inevitable costs. The problem is that these costs aren’t usually included on the corporate balance sheet at the end of each year, so often the problem remains unsolved.

But the losses are just as real—in reduced productivity, inefficiency, and lost business. In more personal terms, the losses are measured in wasted time, work, money, and ultimately, professional recognition. In extreme cases, losses can be measured in property damage, injuries, and even deaths.

(Excerpt from Technical Writing Essentials: The Cost of Poor Communication)

Our Services

Sound Solutions by Design helps address those costs associated with poor communication, using sound research driven solutions to enhance effective communication

Personal Coaching

Individual coaching goals generally focus on one’s self-esteem and communication confidence. Do you want to raise your emotional intelligence to better navigate tension and anxiety? Would learning better conflict management skills improve your personal and professional relationships? Would persuasive strategies help you ask for that raise you know you deserve?

  • Help identify known communication errors and address them using multiple research backed solutions and offer guidance on applying those solutions to various scenarios.

    • Public vs Private Self

    • Self-Concept vs Self-Esteem

    • Conflict Management

    • Impression Management

    • Improved Listening and Retention Skills

    • Empathy Development

    • Perspective Checking

    • Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

    • Relational Dynamics

    • Content vs Relational Messaging

    • Improving Communication Climates

    • Responding (non defensively) to Criticism

    • Managing and Expressing Emotions

  • Vary depending on the problem being addressed, and tailored solutions being offered.

  • Prices may vary based on design request. Single sessions start @ $600, booking multiple sessions improves rates of solution retention and offers per session savings.

Executive Coaching Services

In executive coaching client’s have specific career oriented goals focused on improving professional communication efficacy. Some short-term goals might include designing effective meeting agendas, or better presentation outlines. Whereas long-term goals require more time to practice and develop, such as becoming a better department leader or public speaker. As a consultant my role is to facilitate skill development in specific task related areas that raise communication competency.

  • Help address known written or verbal communication challenges and apply multiple research backed strategies to grow in this area. The executive will get guidance on ways to execute the suggested strategies. Services include

    • Meeting Agenda Development

    • Active Listening and Retention

    • Presentation Outlines

    • Conflict Management

    • Managing and Expressing Emotions

    • Speech Writing

    • Storytelling

    • Persuasion

    • Responding (non defensively) to Criticism

    • Public speaking skill development is best done in workshops, but with opportunities to practice outside of our sessions, anyone can grow in these skills individually

      • Outline

      • Research

      • Draft Revision

      • Audience Centered Message Development

      • Time Management

      • Argumentation

  • Vary depending on the problem being addressed, and tailored solutions being offered.

  • Prices may vary based on design request. Single sessions start @ $600, booking multiple sessions improves rates of solution retention and offers per session savings.

Communication Workshops

Workshops focus on developing specific communication areas within a group of people. Communication workshops can focus on developing 1-3 major communication skills. Conflict Management, Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Management are very popular workshops that can greatly increase individual efficacy and team cohesion.

  • Workshops range from 1 hour to several days .

    Instruction on how to better understand and respond to current specific communication challenges facing an interdependent group or team. Issues complexity will determine length of time spent understanding and applying them.

    • Conflict Management

    • Storytelling

    • Persuasion

    • Message Development

    • Public Speaking Skills

    • Active Listening Skills

    • Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

    • Leadership Skills

    • Effective Team Management

  • According to research people can reach up to 90% information retention when they actively engage in teaching others what they have learned. Skills Labs are designed to move beyond discussion into application and practice. Increasing the likelihood of retention and use outside of the workshop.

  • Prices may vary based on design request. Single sessions start @ $5000, booking multiple sessions improves rates of solution retention and offers per session savings.



A clearly articulated design process provides us with a clear, step-by-step plan for finding the best solution for any situation.

We cannot begin to work on scientifically sound solutions, until we clearly define the problem you have, and the outcome you want to achieve.

This critical first stage of the design process requires that you effectively communicate what issues need addressing. This guided methodology provides a strong foundation from which to build our communication strategies.

find your sound solution

You cannot breakdown barriers blocking effective communication, without first properly identifying the problem you have and the outcome you want. Please contact us so we can begin working on sound communication strategies to help you reach your next level of success.