About Athena


Associates Degree Psychology focus
Bachelor’s Degree Communication Studies Psychology focus
Master’s Degree Humanities Communication Studies focus
10+ years coaching in personal and academic settings
Certified Personal Coach


10+ years teaching communication skills in higher education settings


I love to learn, and I love to teach, so I know I’m in the right profession!

My passion for psychology and communication studies was borne out of trying to better understand myself, and my own barriers to effectively communicate when it really mattered. Identifying and critically thinking about barriers to reaching my own goals was an incredible step towards actually achieving them.

I still find psychology and communication studies fascinating, but my new passion is teaching others what I have learned. So that they too, can have the tools to navigate challenging communication situations with confidence and skill.

Better communication gets you better results. Who couldn’t benefit from better results more quickly?

My Story

I began my teaching career in the Pacific Northwest over ten years ago and have seen countless students find their own voices and new paths as a result of growing into more effective communicators. It is a pleasure to watch my students grow in skill and confidence, and nothing else gives me as much joy as knowing I can help others achieve their ultimate goals.

I created Sound Solutions by Design to reach more people than I can in the college environment. Because the skills I teach add value everywhere, everyone can benefit.

Research shows that effective communicators report higher levels of life satisfaction and happiness, than those who struggle to communicate.

Social scientists use the term Cognitive Complexity to describe the ability to construct a variety of frameworks for viewing an issue. We might call it perspective and empathy. In addition to helping you develop greater cognitive complexity, I offer a variety of strategies and tools to tackle those complex communication issues impeding your goals, so that you can become a more competent and successful communicator.

find your sound solution

I take over ten years of education and experience and design a tailor-made strategic plan to address various communication problems. If you are interested in learning more, please get in touch.