Learn research driven strategies THAT break down communication barriers, to help you move from where you are… to where you want to be

Our mission

Sound Solutions by Design’s mission is to address communication problems costing time, money, and energy, by offering research driven solutions tailored to each client’s needs.


Hi I’m Athena!

I offer facilitated guidance identifying and addressing various barriers to achieving short and long-term communication goals. I do this by combining my years of curriculum design experience in courses like professional communication, public speaking, small group communication, and interpersonal communication, with my communication scholar expertise. Utilizing these skills, I then provide logically sound solutions to address your communication needs.

The goal is to help every person I meet become a more skilled and confident communicator.



Personal Coaching

Individual coaching goals generally focus on one’s self-esteem and communication confidence. Do you want to raise your emotional intelligence to better understand and interact with the people around you? Would you like to learn how to more effectively promote positive communication environments, and address negative communication tactfully?


Executive Coaching

In executive coaching client’s have specific career oriented goals focused on improving professional communication efficacy. Some short-term goals might include designing effective meeting agendas, or better presentation outlines. Whereas long-term goals require more time to practice and develop, such as becoming a better department leader or public speaker. As a consultant my role is to facilitate skill development in specific task related areas that raise communication competency.


Skills Lab

Skills Lab Workshops focus on developing specific communication areas within a group of people. Communication workshops can focus on developing 1-3 major communication skills. Conflict management, message development, and presentation design are very popular workshops that can greatly increase individual efficacy and team cohesion.


find your sound solution

You cannot breakdown barriers blocking effective communication, without first properly identifying the problem you have and the outcome you want. Please contact us so we can begin working on sound communication strategies to help you reach your next level of success.